
The Reports-app gives the possibility to export standard files directly from Lanza. Currently, Lanza supports the exporting of .XLSX (Excel) files. 


Stock parameter export

The most important export is the parameter export. This is the file that contains all stocking parameters, as calculated by Lanza. This file contains all information required to update the stocking parameters in your ERP-system. This is fully configurable based on your requirements.

Typically, it contains fields such as the part number, part location, MRP-type, lot size method, reorder point, safety stock, order quantity, MIN, MAX.

Custom exports

Next to exporting stocking parameters, there is the possibility to export fully custom files, based on the data and calculations of Lanza. Please contact your contact person if you are interested in creating a custom file.

Examples of custom export files at our clients are:

  • Forecast export
    Used to export the forecast per month, per part. For example to share internally, or to support collaboration with suppliers.
  • Lead time export
    Used to identify parts where realized lead times do not comply with contractual lead times. Logic can be built into the list to propose actions, such as adjust lead time, contact supplier, or do nothing.
  • Non-mover export
    Used as input to analyze non-movers. Logic can be built into the list to propose actions based on the available data in Lanza, such as date of last transaction, introduction date, and storage location.