Create your own business case
Apply different inventory strategies to different types of parts and balance your stock with high service levels that your clients demand.
Classify your parts assortment
Based on your parts portfolio you can classify your parts into assortments and segments. You can optimize each assortment, for example when other business objectives play a role, e.g. for critical parts. But also from a reporting perspective different Lanza assortments can be useful. For instance when you want to segregate certain product groups, e.g. mechanical vs. electrical components.
Each assortment is classified into segments, clustered by price and demand frequency. From here you can apply different planning strategies to your cheap fast movers and expensive slow movers, and everything in between. All in all, a flexible classification that serves as a basis for optimization.
Differentiate inventory strategies and optimize
Apply specific inventory strategies to specific segments and assortments to optimize your stock holding. Strategies consist of groups of settings such as availability targets, forecasting settings, lead time settings or order quantity settings.
Differentiating these settings over the different segments and assortments enables you to find the best balance between parts availability, stock value and operational costs.