Assortment analysis

The Focus-app lets you create intersections of your assortment, this enables high-level analysis and allows you to create focus on your most important parts. 


Intersections of your assortment are called queues. In a queue, you are able to slice-and-dice your assortment based on a wide range of part information: master data, classification, demand characteristics, and much more.

All parts resulting from your filters are shown, allowing you to export, sort, and drill-down to a part-level analysis. Columns can be added to overview below, to display the information required for your analysis.

Queues can be saved to support recurring analyses, such as a periodical review of your non-moving stock.



To allow you to easily focus on the parts with the most impact, Lanza uses the Pareto principle. This principle states that roughly 80% of the outcomes come from 20% of causes.

Pareto analysis can be applied from different angles, such as the parts that account for most of your inventory value, demand, spend, and many more.



Sharing and collaborating

Queues can be shared with colleagues, allowing for easy collaboration on joint projects. This is done by making a queue public. On the other hand, queues can be made private, if an analysis only concerns one user.