Port of Antwerp-Bruges manages and maintains the docks, bridges, locks, quay walls, roads, tug boats, multipurpose vessels service buildings and land in the port of Antwerp and Bruges. These assets are of crucial importance for the functioning of the ports. In order to carry out these management and maintenance activities as effectively and efficiently as possible, Port of Antwerp-Bruges invested in the optimisation of its supply chain processes and decision support.
Together with Gordian’s experts, who cooperate closely with the experienced warehouse managers, the supply chain procedures were professionalised, accurate inventory parameters were implemented and a better collaboration between the various departments was created.
Reactive processes
The current supply chain processes of Port of Antwerp-Bruges have a more managing and securing function, instead of a controlling and monitoring function. These processes have a reactive and highly operational character. Port of Antwerp-Bruges invested in optimising the supply chain processes, so that they would have a more proactive and tactical character, which saves time and improved the control over their main performance indicators ultimately.
Professionalisation in phases
To set the basis for a professional spare parts management organisation Gordian and Port of Antwerp-Bruges redefined the relevant business processes. Gordian drafted procedures for requesting materials, creating new article numbers, drawing up Critical Parts lists, purchasing and warehousing processes. This led to concrete work agreements that were crucial in this change project.
In addition, Gordian connected Lanza to the Maintenance Management system Maximo. With the help of Lanza and the wishes of the maintenance engineers and warehouse managers, optimal reorder points and order sizes are periodically determined and updated. And with the introduction of a KPI dashboard and a ‘Plan Do Check Act’ cycle, Port of Antwerp-Bruges gains more insight into the performance of the supply chain. In this way, one can aim for continuous improvement.
Better collaboration and improved information sharing
The new work processes and improved tooling led to better collaboration and more information sharing between the warehouse and internal customers. By applying the new inventory parameters, Port of Antwerp-Bruges is able to manage its stock in a better way, without overstocking. The introduction of the Plan Do Check Act cycle ensures that this reliable stock is maintained with a high service level for the service engineers and a healthy cost level for the financial controller. This is an ongoing process that Port of Antwerp-Bruges is giving continuous attention.